Order Herbalife with even more discount! (
Would you like to buy all Herbalife products at a discount? Please discover all the benefits of the Herbalife Nutrition Membership. As an Herbalife member you will get all products directly from Herbalife International at wholesale prices. Meaning, as a Member you can buy all your Herbalife products at discounts no less than 50%!
Quick steps to your Herbalife membership
Step 1: Register Herbalife membership
- Go to https://www.myherbalife.com/ (use country-language selector) and click Join Herbalife! Apply Online
- Enter your email and desired password and click Create account
- On the Congratulations page, click Start Now
- Check everything and where you read 'Your sponsor information', enter:
Country of residence: (select your country)
Sponsor Herbalife ID number: 28185561
First 3 letters surname: BOL
Already own a Herbalife member pack? No
Complete all following steps. Here you will be asked to purchase the Herbalife member package. The price is approximately equal to the price of the Formula 1 can and the Supershaker, which are included in this package. Finally, after registration you will receive your own login details. Now you can order from the Herbalife website yourself.
Congratulations, enjoy all the benefits of the Herbalife membership!
Step 2: Order products
Now, you can login to https://myherbalife.com/ and here you can order all your products! You also have access to all information about the products and the company.
Need help?
Feel free to call if you need help starting up: +31 (0) 614953261
Or Email us>
An Herbalife Membership is without risk
Your Herbalife membership is without financial risk, because Herbalife International is the 1st network marketing company to use the most extensive Gold Standard guarantees. What do they mean?
- Minimal start-up costs
- Buy Herbalife with a generous discount
- No minimum purchase obligations
- 90 day money back guarantee on your Herbalife Nutrition Member Pack
- 100% refund on all products purchased > within 12 months
Herbalife Nutrition Member pack
You can only become an Herbalife member through an active member, like us. We have been entrepreneurs and active member since 2003 and in this way we helped many new members startup, so let us help to get you started too!
After registration you will receive an Herbalife Nutrition Member pack with extensive information. This includes 1 can of Herbalife Formula 1 shake vanilla and a handy Herbalife super shaker. Once your Membership is completed, you can order all Herbalife products at a discount. This member pack costs approx. 50 euros, depending on the country of residence.
Become Herbalife Member in just 5 minutes
You can register on the Herbalife international website. After that, as a Member of Herbalife you can immediately buy all Herbalife products at a discount. When you order more products at once, you quickly get 35% or 42%. The maximum discount is no less than 50%! This way, working on your health becomes even more fun and attractive!
These are the advantages at a glance of becoming an Herbalife member. The Herbalife membership gives you access to:
- Order directly at Herbalife international
- Fast delivery
- High purchasing discount, up to 50%
- No stock and purchase obligations
- No risk due to the Gold Standard guarantees
In just 5 minutes you can be an Herbalife member and profit from all these advantages instantly.
This offer to buy products is made by Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Ad Bol - Herba-webshop - Krekelberg 18 - 4708KP Roosendaal. The products are produced by or on behalf of Herbalife International (Netherlands) B.V .; PO Box 8283, 3503 RG Utrecht, The Netherlands (0450.875.596).
Disclaimer: Alle verwijzingen naar gewichtsbeheersing hebben betrekking op het Herbalife Nutrition gewichtsbeheersingsprogramma dat onder andere een evenwichtig dieet, regelmatige lichaamsbeweging, dagelijks voldoende inname van water, inname van voedingssupplementen indien nodig en voldoende rust omvat. Individuele resultaten zullen verschillen.